Design Build Retrofit
Our Services

Design Build Retrofit
Airstron provides New Construction services which offer high quality AC system installation for best AC system setups. New Construction services include installation focused on commercial buildings that are in need of AC systems to provide optimal Cooling and Heating. New Construction services for any size commercial building. Using a company like Airstron with your New Construction project will accommodate all of your Air Conditioning needs. Airstron will properly install your AC system with efficiency, and energy saving at mind.
Airstron has completed New Construction services for many commercial building owners for many years. Airstron is always up to date with new and current AC requirements. Making sure your New Construction Air Condition system is optimized and properly installation for the best outcome.

Reasons to use Airstron for new construction projects:
- Full staff to handle any project
- Complete AC system planning by engineers
- Cost efficiency
- Optimal energy efficiency
- Automation services
- Experienced technicians
- Quicker installation
Schedule a consultation.

Airstron Retro Fit Services
Airstron provides all types of retro fits, renovations and replacements of Air Conditioning systems. Airstron has a prefabrication shop and highly trained staff to minimize down time. Airstron’s out of the box thinking approach makes us one of the premiere solution providers on the toughest projects. Airstron has the capabilities to prefab your entire job with our in house prefab shop. This saves down time and money. Airstron also has the resources and track record to value engineer both new and existing projects this process can INCREASE efficiency, LIMIT downtime and PROVIDE cost savings in comparisons to what is existing or what has been speced.

Benefits of parterning with Airstron:
- We can provide temporary cooling to limit discomfort or for emergency circumstances
- Obtain financing through different mediums
- Provide bonding in excess of $10,000,000 dollars
- Can preliminary design for budget purposes through final execution of project
- In house sheet metal/duct department
Airstron can mobilize and provide.